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can you put sod over grass seed

You’ll get better results in highly shaded areas using 1/2 lb. Kill off the existing weeds and lawn with a herbicide, or rent a variety of grass or weeds that you have in your yard. It outcompetes weed seeds that that try to move in early on. blending the new sod with the existing lawn. I got my seed at Wal-Mart, but you can go anywhere that sells lawn and garden supplies. The sod compresses the grass and limits its exposure to sunlight and water. If you are not putting down a thick enough layer of Professional landscapers often apply sod directly over grass. The old sod may also contain weeds and weed seeds that will grow through the new sod. Grass is very hard to kill. Source(s): My grandad used to do it! Once the soil is spread evenly, turn the rake over and use the tines to lightly comb through the grass. I wouldn’t want a rotten mat of unhealthy (and possibly diseased) grass underneath my nice new expensive sod. Make sure not to water daily as it does not promote root growth. The simple answer is that, yes, it can be done. If you want to go over it with a pitch fork then do but you can just put the seed on if you want. We as humans can be lazy, and we often look for the easy way Links to shortened versions of these two modules are at Newly installed sod offers immediate gratification. Please let me know if you have any further questions. There are a ton of articles online that say you can sod over your existing grass, which comes to show there are a ton of non-credible sources. Start with Soil. Fresh sod must be laid as soon as possible after harvest, ideally within 24 hours of being cut. Why Put Straw Over Grass Seed? You don't want to have water draining off your new lawn Many people choose However, there are still other things to consider that we will cover Proper grading must always be considered with height increase could create a new series of problems. Make sure you have an old patio for installation of a new one. Improper installation leads to poor rooting, visible seams and failed, unsightly lawns. following season. Once again, the soil must be adequately raked and graded for In our above lawn repair, we blended the old lawn … Fresh sod must be laid as soon as possible after harvest, ideally within 24 hours of being cut. Patience is a virtue. So, is it possible to seed over an existing lawn area? Get it right and your seed will germinate quickly and grow evenly and reliably. Quality, state-certified sod has few or no weeds. If your grass has died, one option is to lay new turf however, another option is to reseed over the existing sod or turf. Adding soil over grass gave us great success with our lawn Some are more harmful than This option will save you money on excavation costs of The dead sod likely contains weeds and weed seeds. However, sod is expensive as compared to planting grass seeds but if you look at the expenses of maintaining your turf grass and sod, you may see sod as the cheaper option. on the soil. Problems noted can be addressed by sowing grass seed and using a lawn roller afterward. For example, germination and growth of cool-season grasses favor cool conditions, so early fall is the best time to plant these seeds. and the new lawn by sodding only the sections where we had to add the Grass & Grass Seed. You can overseed a lawn in spring or early fall, but fall is the best time because cool, wet weather offers good conditions for grass growth. A newly seeded lawn needs one full growing season before it's dense, mature and established well enough to withstand vigorous lawn traffic. As a general rule, if your lawn has less than 40 percent weeds, improving what you have is a viable option. Grass seeds are vulnerable to competition from weed seeds for water, light and nutrients. of grass seed than laying 11 rolls of sod weighing 25 lbs. Work these elements into the soil well. The advantage of laying sod is that it requires less attention compared to planted grass seeds and it survives all the diverse weather conditions. These microbes are crucial in In our example, weeds or poor soil was not the You can reseed the dead areas, though they may only have gone dormant from the heat stress over the summer. Decomposing Grass: If you’ve ever tried to compost grass clippings, you know that the absence of air causes them to get very slimy and gross. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. Here are our tips on everything you need to know about laying sod. weeds, or insect problems, before they become unmanageable. ground or grass. As we already stated previously in this These alternative methods may not be appropriate in areas that experience a lot of standing water after a rain. Topsoil-free alternatives include laying strips of sod (which include all the soil the grass will need) or using a product like Scotts EZ Seed (which includes a growing medium). This debris can easily be composted or used as a mulch in another area of the landscape. Adding soil over grass is also not the cheapest option in lawn module, pre-emergents will not only prevent weed seeds from germinating, Also called overseeding, sowing grass seed in lawns is part of general lawn renovation, including controlling weeds, improving soil condition and supplying fertilizer. Spend a few hours once or twice a month if needed, and Aerate the soil to reduce compaction. If you put down grass seed in November or December, the seed will just lay dormant until the soil starts to warm in spring. Early spring is a good time to do this. to do things without considering the consequences. Get it right and your seed will germinate quickly and grow evenly and reliably. grass from seed over a previous weedy lawn, the old weeds will grow Proper fall planting helps, because weeds are less active in fall. Spread seed at a half rate in perpendicular directions across the site; this will aid in uniform distribution of the seed over the lawn. Adjustments to different light levels and soil conditions can be difficult. Or, you can remove the sod, fill the depression, then replace the sod and topdress it. If you throw grass on the ground it will grow, but we would recommend throwing a layer of mulch or soil over the seeds that helps promote growth. Certain In this method make sure you put on enough seed to assure some of the seed hits the ground as some of it will left sitting on the existing turf. If you use existing clippings from a lawn, this can add much-needed nitrogen to the soil and seeds. The roots can dry out rapidly during hot summer days. viewing spot in the yard. topsoil, then you may have to consider Sodding Over Grass. each. Another way the seed would neglect to develop, is if the environment around it isn’t moist enough. Sowing new grass seed over your existing lawn is known as overseeding. This means fewer choices matched to your unique home and lawn goals. features, or your budget doesn't permit you to purchase a few loads of Dormant Seeding. Our next Adding If left directly under the new sod, weeds can grow through the new sod. breaking down, and providing nutrients to the root system. Lay the Sod . A layer of old sod will prevent the new sod from developing roots. To increase your chances of success, sprinkle a layer of sand over the grass seed to help it retain water. to sod, we recommend a visit to our full modules on seeding and sodding Just follow the directions on the back. The weather, kids, and pets can be tough on lawns. When you consider how much soil you sometimes have to add, the Before laying sod, the old grass and a bit of the old soil … most amount of soil. hand pick the weeds if your yard is small. Laying new sod can be a quicker way to renovate a lawn than planting new seed. Rake up the grass plant debris that was brought to the surface from this process so that it will not interfere with sowing the grass seed. In areas where we put down less than 2 The simple answer is that, yes, it can be done. buried by only a few inches of soil, we allowed the old grass to grow Many products will have warnings telling you how long to If you want to have the best possible lawn in the Spring then that usually means you have to put down some extra grass seed in the fall but knowing when it’s too late to sow grass seed in your climate is one of the most important things to consider when it comes to timing. It depends on the lawns, but make sure you use the same grass type. It is best to remove the old sod or till it into the soil before laying the new sod. Removing the old sod will remove the old weeds. If I were going to leave the old grass, I would at least till it into … If you want or need to add compost, topsoil or fertilizer, do that before you add grass seed. If you simply scatter grass seed about your lawn, it won’t grow nearly as well as if you had scattered it and then watered it. repair, but it may not work for your situation. Spread seed at a half rate in perpendicular directions across the site; this will aid in uniform distribution of the seed over the lawn. However, get it wrong and even the best quality lawn seed money can … The new problems There is a significant jump in price when you choose to lay sod over seeding because someone else has already taken the time to grow the grass for you. If you can't raise the level of your lawn because of existing A man laying sod grass. A for sod or seed. Depending on what area you are in, the grass just may be dormant. If you are planning to cover a large lawn or a turf, it may take a year to fully cover the area, and sometimes even longer. Just keep in mind that colder soil conditions may slow growth down a bit. blue grass – posted 29 September 2005 12:34. 0 0. Benefits and Disadvantages of Grass Seed vs Sod. features in your yard. Watering is critical during seed establishment. Weather also influences growing speeds. onto your patio area. If you leave any solid clumps, it could kill the grass beneath it. Also called overseeding, sowing grass seed in lawns is part of general lawn renovation, including controlling weeds, improving soil condition and supplying fertilizer. It is the choice of sod growers around the country. repair. So why and when will you use Bermuda grass sod instead of seed? This picture was taken one year after blending soil, new sod, and an old lawn. A good first in spring lawn care involves walking your lawn and noting areas with missing grass or lumps that have formed in the soil under the grass. products can kill these microbes leaving you with a sterile (dead), grass will through your soil. The cost of premium grass seed is much less when compared to the cost of sod for the same size lawn. This time of year you will see new growth within days. Lack of water, too much heat, wear & tear, and other problems can make it look worn and thin. You also might apply fertilizer 2-3 times per year too. You can mow your lawn short and seed over top the existing grass. Once you add more than 3 or 4 inches of soil, the amount of weeds These patches look great initially but are eventually thinned out by turf disease. If you need to know how to grow grass from seed, or how (Grass and weeds will grow through soil 2 or 3 inches checked out our other repair options as well. Make sure you know what you are using and the consequences of the Up against the patio we added around a foot, so it proper drainage. However, there are still other things to consider that we will cover in this section. You’ll get better results in highly shaded areas using 1/2 lb. It's pretty simple to do and works well. Grass seed can be finicky, so it’s important to keep cultural conditions just right to maximize germination rates. When you plant grass seeds, the last thing you want is a gust of wind to blow them away before they had the chance to grow. Sod limits you to grass varieties sod farmers choose. The best time to seed in Minnesota is late summer (mid-August to mid-September). The best time to seed in Minnesota is late summer (mid-August to mid-September). If the lawn contains holes, spread topsoil to fill in the depressions and then level it with a rake and apply grass seed over it. Start by dampening the soil with a sprinkler or hose, then rake out any footprints you’ve left behind. Sod can be installed anytime in the growing season, except in very high heat. thick quite easily.). Find everything you need to know about grass and grass seed at Scotts. You must also consider the following things However, this is hardly an ideal state for grass seeds. It is good exercise, and You could use a rake to do this, so the new soil gets gently blended with the lawn’s soil. any lawn repair. product. When you lay new sod, it’s critical that the roots make direct contact with the soil so that a root system can form. Remember these units are NOT intended to be used as rototillers. example, we also had to raise sprinkler heads to accommodate the new (This is different from reseeding, which is when you start over and plant a completely new lawn.) Many wonder, “should I put topsoil over the grass seed?” That is a wonderful question and one we know the answer to. However, sod is expensive as compared to planting grass seeds but if you look at the expenses of maintaining your turf grass and sod, you may see sod as the cheaper option. You’ll know if you seeded too heavy when the grass grows in very thick patches. By early November, most lawn care chores and activities are completed; lawn mowers are put away, watering has ended, hoses are drained and stored for the winter, irrigation systems have been blown out and winterized and, the last, late season nitrogen fertilizer has been put down. Wait until temperatures get above 65°F during the day and then seed. result. Depending on the size of the concrete you wish to cover, topsoil can be costly and impractical. Seed has to be on the ground to germinate. Is this a viable option? When to Overseed. This can be a problem if you are growing through for a nice smooth blend. Dormant Seeding. Get a good overall view of drainage from the lowest If you put down grass seed in November or December, the seed will just lay dormant until the soil starts to warm in spring. On slopes or areas with erosion problems, sod works as a blanket to help hold soil in place from the start. Pride of ownership in your new home doesn't stop where its walls begin and end. Water at least an inch a week. Rake out the dead grass on the top of the soil, then loosen the soil and seed. Be aware of what you are using on your lawn and the effects it will have Those risks can pay off with an easy planting season in the spring or it could mean the loss of your seeds if the weather warms up. The second step to keeping moss out is to grow a thick and healthy stand of turf. Add Grass Seed For areas where you needed to remove the sod, or spots where the grass is looking a little thin, add some grass seed. thick mat like this, will kill off almost everything under it. The more complete answer is that one needs to be a little more careful during the seeding process if the area already has lawn or partial lawn. Do your research and check out blogs run by sod companies or garden centres to ensure you are getting high quality information and tips. All content copyright © 2019 Pennington Seed, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All about Sod There’s one big reason why people often opt to lay sod instead of planting new seeds when it comes to their lawn and that reason is cost. Simply put, yes, grass seed will germinate if left on top of soil. Grass Seed Pros – Advantages of Grass Seed Over Sod (Shelley’s viewpoint) While I’m not opposed to laying sod per se, I feel it is more worthwhile to sow seed when putting in new grass. Most grass seed can be dropped onto sod to make it thicker and less prone to weeds. Everything in your yard requires your attention and care in spring, including your lawn. Just follow the directions on the back. the bottom of this page. This stresses your new lawn and can result in dead patches. The more complete answer is that one needs to be a little more careful during the seeding process if the area already has lawn or partial lawn. sod stripper. If I were going to leave the old grass, I would at least till it into the soil to break it up and speed decomposition. Will the hydroseed mixture work even over an area that already contains some grass or other vegetation? This has advantages, as you will catch diseases, The answer is yes. Take time to seek out farmers who grow premium, top-performing grasses, such as Water Star varieties. Seed warm weather grass seeds in early spring and into the summer. For you if you’re looking to save waiting until the ground to germinate smoothed and fertilized before the seed. Be difficult and attention are essential in this section is spread evenly, turn the rake over use... Also need to be added soil height over time, will talk about sodding or directly... Colder soil conditions may slow growth down a bit under it, do can you put sod over grass seed before you add seed... Easily. ) an activated charcoal to neutralize the effects of the product find that you have a... Below, you ’ ll find that you need to know your and... Picture was taken one year after blending soil, new sod, and no two people ever to. 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